Behavioral Economics

Promoting Justice in Credit Markets

Promoting Justice in Credit Markets

Scholar recommends that regulators incorporate principles of distributive justice into credit markets.

Heuristics and Small Business Response to Regulation

Heuristics and Small Business Response to Regulation

Applying behavioral economics to the study of regulation could help improve attitudes among business owners.

Combatting Climate Change with Human Behavior

Combatting Climate Change with Human Behavior

Scholars explain the benefits of setting “green” products as consumers’ default option.

Taking a Gamble on Casino Regulation

Taking a Gamble on Casino Regulation

Scholar argues that rulemakers can “nudge” gamblers toward more rational behavior at casinos.

Health Assessment Penalties May Extend to Spouses

Health Assessment Penalties May Extend to Spouses

A proposal would let employers use financial incentives to get health data from employees’ spouses.

When Behavioral Science Meets Public Policy

When Behavioral Science Meets Public Policy

Popularizer of nudges offers a short introduction to their use by government.

Behavioral Science in the Regulatory State

Behavioral Science in the Regulatory State

New research paper examines the challenges and opportunities of a behavioral approach to regulation.